I’m from Ukraine, have a subscription Plus, and ChatGPT is constantly stubborn for few days so far. Does anyone experience this problem as well? March 25 - March 28
Yes, I have thist problem too. Endless loading indicator in chat and no response
I’ve found this response from the network:
“Sentry dropped data due to a quota or internal rate limit being reached. This will not affect your application. See Quota Management | Sentry Documentation for more information.”
Looks like I reached a limit for their storage per user or Sentry lost connection (but it works for other users). Still I expected at least some message like “You spent month limit” or similar.
same error
“Sentry dropped data due to a quota or internal rate limit being reached. This will not affect your application. See sentry quoata docs for more information.”
this problem was reported 3months ago and still no solution has been found
I have encountered the same problem too. How can it be resolved?
Did you fixed it?
I just facing this problem