ChatGPT - Bad Gateway Error / Service Interruption August 15, 2024

The Ray ID is one thing, but there’s no need to disclose your IP address :sweat_smile:

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Same issue in Dakar, Senegal

So anyone has a question? (but i’m not gonna answer cause I don’t know or I will try to answer)


Guys my chat gpt is working again


Looks like we’re back up in Maryland, USA. :+1:

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same here in south korea.

Yes, getting the same error today, August 15. It’s been down since at least 8:30 AM (MT) here in NM.

Glad to hear you are back online. All is well here, too, in San Jose, CA area.


It is working right now in Peru :tada:

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it’s working now in Dakar, Senegal

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I am trying to log into my Plus account with Apple through my Chrome browser and either the website doesn’t open or I get a message about bad gateway.

Currently there seems to be a global outage from what it looks like, from what the team is reporting is that they are working on it, so mostly everyone is having issues logging in, i’m not sure if this resolved for you yet. But mine is currently working? Also there seems to be outages of other companies so it seems maybe it was a huge sever error for several companies?

I see that the status page is monitored.
I think that means that they are currently monitoring the situation.