Chat GPT lies: says it's working on something but never fulfilled promise!

I’m not sure where to begin. I gave it over 100 pages (word doc) which I wanted it to sequence and edit a bit, and it gave me a project management type response. It broke down the task and gave itself deadlines. Said it would “update” me. Never did. I keep checking back for it to fulfill the task. And as it tries to (I assume) there was an error message. Is that too many pages? I just want to know what it CAN do.


100% this -4 junk flat out lies!
This is just pure evil. How great is the training and parameters if rather than stating that it’s incapable of a basic task of involving more than a dozen pages that it should state so, rather than LIE saying it’s working on completing something. -4 has been entirely unhelpful it seems this “upgrade” turned it into some sort of immoral infantile lazy employee of a company that would quickly be fired from its fast food job and incapable of succeeding in the real world.

“Due to the length of your request I estimate this will take 3-4 hours to complete, I’ll begin now”. I’ve been trying the same 12 pages for days and no session does anything but LIE saying its working on something it isn’t. This speaks deep as to those who are in charge there.

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ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.

Yes; and no one cares to address. Same issue.

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