Canvas Handling of ChatGPT getting worse all day

the handling of Canvas seems to be different every day now.

  • one day Chatgpt generates directly into canvas, the other day its a block in the comment, t

  • he other day it generates separate canvas documents for each topic and adds Buttons to switch the documents in the chat

  • another day it just overwrites the last canvas document event it’s obvious about another topic

  • or there is no button in the chat, to get the related canvas document directy

  • or when correcting a part of the document, the new version contains only the corrected part and the rest of the document is only available in the history but with the uncorrected part. i understand that this is faster than generating only the corrected part and that is okay, but using the same canvas document breaks the history of the whole document and chatgpt uses the wrong reference to memorize the whole document

  • also the editing buttons seem to change from day to day, as example, one day you can switch Markdown files from unformated view to formated preview, another day i cannot find the button to switch

this inconsistence is annoying

i am okay that the API has some progress in developement and gets new features, but it looks like one day, someone has the idea to handle something this way and it will be released imediately, another day the idea has changed and the new implementation is just released. it looks there is no fix plan how and when the release of a new or changed feature has to happen and the users just have to change their use of it daily.

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