Can't use all 6 voices in gpt-4o-realtime-preview

Sending this event:

            "type": "response.create",
            "response": {
                "voice": "fable",
                "modalities": ["audio", "text"],
                "instructions": "instructions text",

And getting this error:

Received raw message:

{"type":"error","event_id":"event_AG59PgTLfqn4hwI7D89be","error":{"type":"invalid_request_error","code":"invalid_value","message":"Invalid value: 'fable'. Supported values are: 'alloy', 'echo', and 'shimmer'.","param":"response.voice","event_id":null}}

The announcement says there should be six voices available, instead of the three listed there. Specifically, I want to use Fable because it has a British accent.

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