Cannot connect to websockets (sometimes)

I used the realtime api through websockets until yesterday. Today I cannot connect to the websockets URL from - mainly from Chrome browser. It says “WebSocket connection to ‘wss://’ failed”.

It fails immediately when I run this:

const ws = new WebSocket(‘wss://’)

But what is strange, it works on some hosts (basically I just open DevTools on any site) and doesn’t work on other hosts. It also works in MS Edge and not in Chrome - e.g. on site.

My colleague has the same issue, so it is probably not my computer.

Anyone with the same problem?

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Same here.
It was ok several hours ago.

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So I found out the playground doesn’t work in Chrome too ( It works in Edge for me, though. I am on Windows. My colleague on Mac cannot get it to run even in Edge.

So it must be definitely some problem on OpenAI side.

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We are having the same problem.

—Deleted my comments, as it may have been incorrect.------

It seems to have started working again for me. This was a really weird problem. It would be nice to see a note from OpenAI on this (I know I’m being naive).

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But the problem persists for my colleague. It seems like some DNS problem, probably taking time to propagate—but that’s just my wild guess.

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Is it working on Chrome or Safari?

UPDATE: As of 10:45 PST, even Safari not working.

Have not heard anything from @adminsys yet. As we tried to debug, we could see that in Chrome, header is going empty. On Safari header is going properly.

Facing the same issue. I could connect from my other computer with the same browser(Chorme). Is it due to an IP blacklisting?

It still works on my computer in all browsers I have (Windows, so no Safari). My colleague still has this problem on Mac in Edge and Chrome, but works in Safari.

Looks like it’s fixed now. At least working for us.

Yes, it is working for us too.

Is there any official note on this?

And it happens again now. This is just horrible, no reaction from OpenAI, the API is just not working again.

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Same here.
It happened about 10 hours ago and I gave up and waited.
Now it’s still not working.

Please follow this link and post there. That way OpenAi can get a consolidated view: Is anyone experiencing WebSocket Realtime Error on Chrome browser? - #26 by lss