Can I use GPT-3.5 models after upgrading to GPT-4

I have a prepaid account now for GT-3.5. I’m using some specific 3.5 models right now with the API and don’t want to lose access.

So can I use the GPT-3.5 models after upgrading to GPT-4?
What do I have to change after upgrading? API key? More?

Regards, Gerrit

Hi @GerritBroekhuis, welcome to the community.

You do not have to do anything, if you want to use GPt 4 you just need specify the name of the model in your code and you can use any model any time without changing anything, other than the name of model.

I hope i might have correctly interpreted your post.


Hi Innovatix,

So I can still use my 3.5 API key after upgrading to GPT-4? I haven’t been able to find any documentation on this.

After a log of googling I found more people use 3.5 models using GBP-4, so “older” models should work.

Regards, Gerrit

Yes you can use one key to use openai model. To get started follow below devloper quickstart :point_down:

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Also you don’t even need to have a GPT-4 Account (the $20/mo thing) if you’re just using the API. Once you’re paying for an API key you can use any of the models (including GPT-4) and each model just charges you a tiny bit of money every time you use it.