Can AI agents protect us from marketing overload?

As Generative AI is implemented by more and more businesses, their marketing techniques are going to improve.
Marketing will become more personalized, more businesses will implement advanced strategies that were only accessible by a handful of top companies.

This is going to lead to a higher cognitive load on our (human) brains, which might lead to decisions we wouldn’t have made otherwise.

What ideas do you have to counter this? Do you think this line of thought has any merit?

What if we can make an AI agent to consume all the things that were meant for us to consume and filter out all the manipulation to give us only what we truly care for?

If this was done then our AI agent wouldn’t give us anything because 99% of the stuff we see, is a form of manipulation. Unfortunate.

Other than that point, marketing is mixed in with everything we do. It’s in between TikTok’s (and in TikTok’s), on YouTube, everywhere. You’re saying we should have an AI Ad-Blocker, to take the mental burden off us, right? I feel like that would mean not going onto any entertainment platforms anymore since entertainment and advertising is a fused entity now.

I’m way more concerned with deepfakes potential in causing major issues. Let’s get an AI Agent that can fight that.

Being manipulated 99% of the time is one thing, but not knowing when you are manipulated for is another.

Maybe we don’t need to block all content, but what if we had a model that could at least label the manipulation techniques being used in some of it?

At least something that can label phone notifications from certain apps that are subtly priming us into purchasing something that we are trying to stay away from?

Imagine something that could flag phone notifications from certain apps that subtly prime us to make purchases we’re actively trying to avoid. (Like Junk Food, Impulse Purchases, etc)

It would be awesome to have an AI Agent to keep us safe from unwanted exposure.

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That would be cool. I think the applications for AI are limitless, it’s just a matter of finding out how to do it, then finding the balance where AI is helping human not AI being human (like you said, not block all content but prompt user instead).

This would be greatly appreciated for spam/scam phone calls to protect our seniors. I don’t even want to know how much those scammers make off of other people, it makes me sick. Some day, a long time from now, I might even fall victim to it. Someone build this and it would take over. :smiley:

Yes, the spam/scam calls have become really effective.

You are right, the technology already exists, we just need to figure out the right prompts (or maybe not).

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