Bug on chatgpt that doesn't allow me to scroll

Thank you very much!!
That solved the problem.

Here is the code from Claude (ha-ha). Use it like Custom Style Sheet (Preferences → Advanced) :

@media screen {
  @supports selector(:has(*)) {
    html:has(body[class*="openai"]) {
      /* Основной фикс для скролла */
      body, #__next {
        overflow: auto !important;
        height: 100vh !important;

      /* Фикс для внутренних контейнеров */
      [class*="overflow-hidden"] {
        overflow: visible !important;
        height: auto !important;

      /* Сохранение фиксированного положения для хедера */
      [class*="sticky"] {
        position: sticky !important;
        top: 0;
        z-index: 1000;

      /* Фикс для основного контента */
      main {
        height: auto !important;
        min-height: calc(100vh - 100px) !important; /* Примерная высота с учетом хедера и футера */

      /* Фикс для контейнера сообщений */
      [class*="chat-messages"] {
        height: auto !important;
        max-height: none !important;
        overflow-y: visible !important;

I need a suggestion because the same situation is happening to me.

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There’s a problem with quotation marks in his code.
Here’s how it supposed to be:

javascript: (function () {
document.querySelectorAll(‘html *’).forEach(function(node) {
var s = getComputedStyle(node);
if (‘hidden’ === s[‘overflow’]) {
node.style[‘overflow’] = ‘visible’;

Hope this helps.

Seems like the forum changes straight quotes to curly ones for some reason.

Since JavaScript only allows straight quotes, you’d need to copy the code to a text editor or into notes app and change every curly (tilted to the right a little bit) quotation mark to a straight (completely vertical) one.

This should fix the issue

It works. I am amazed. Thank you immediately.

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Thank you my guy I finally found out how to temporarily fix this problem :sob:

im on chrome and its still stuck

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Thank you so much. It works

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you are an angel sent! thank you so much!!

Hello - any suggestions to someone who doesn’t know how to code?? Pls help

Hi, I dont know how to code, please could you explain how to manually change from overflow hidden to overflow auto

Instead of modifying the page source, which is complicated, I suggest another simpler workaround to scroll. It works for MAC, don’t know for Windows.

  • Select a bit of any text anywhere in the chat.
  • Press and hold the shift key.
  • Holding the shift key scroll using the up and down arrows of the keyboard.

Hi - thank you sick0M0de- this problem has been frustrating my engagement with ChatGPT - I am on a older version of Mac/Os but I have programs that new versions would not work so I prefer with what works with what I have. Many times I had to use disk utility / permissions etc - but it worked sometimes and lost many times thereafter . Your fix is great. I have let ChatGPT know they should fix this problem - if AI is to be a front runner of all things great then why so lazy and slow ! Once again thanks heaps > Great help.

I cant scroll down on chatgpt, if you all guys wanna know what device im using, iphone 6. and i open chatgpt on safari, how can i resolve this problem? i tried everything but doesn’t work

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Same problem iphone 6s plus.


It solved my problem on Macbook Safari. I dont face the issue on Iphone Safari though.

You are a lifesaver!! This fixed it immediately!

Thank you so much! It worked like magic!

Have the same issue using nativifier, but fine on Brave browser…

Awesome! This was a straightforward and easy solution that works perfectly now. Thank you!