Thank you very much!!
That solved the problem.
Here is the code from Claude (ha-ha). Use it like Custom Style Sheet (Preferences → Advanced) :
@media screen {
@supports selector(:has(*)) {
html:has(body[class*="openai"]) {
/* Основной фикс для скролла */
body, #__next {
overflow: auto !important;
height: 100vh !important;
/* Фикс для внутренних контейнеров */
[class*="overflow-hidden"] {
overflow: visible !important;
height: auto !important;
/* Сохранение фиксированного положения для хедера */
[class*="sticky"] {
position: sticky !important;
top: 0;
z-index: 1000;
/* Фикс для основного контента */
main {
height: auto !important;
min-height: calc(100vh - 100px) !important; /* Примерная высота с учетом хедера и футера */
/* Фикс для контейнера сообщений */
[class*="chat-messages"] {
height: auto !important;
max-height: none !important;
overflow-y: visible !important;
I need a suggestion because the same situation is happening to me.
There’s a problem with quotation marks in his code.
Here’s how it supposed to be:
javascript: (function () {
document.querySelectorAll(‘html *’).forEach(function(node) {
var s = getComputedStyle(node);
if (‘hidden’ === s[‘overflow’]) {[‘overflow’] = ‘visible’;
Hope this helps.
Seems like the forum changes straight quotes to curly ones for some reason.
Since JavaScript only allows straight quotes, you’d need to copy the code to a text editor or into notes app and change every curly (tilted to the right a little bit) quotation mark to a straight (completely vertical) one.
This should fix the issue
It works. I am amazed. Thank you immediately.
Thank you my guy I finally found out how to temporarily fix this problem
im on chrome and its still stuck
Thank you so much. It works
you are an angel sent! thank you so much!!
Hello - any suggestions to someone who doesn’t know how to code?? Pls help
Hi, I dont know how to code, please could you explain how to manually change from overflow hidden to overflow auto
Instead of modifying the page source, which is complicated, I suggest another simpler workaround to scroll. It works for MAC, don’t know for Windows.
- Select a bit of any text anywhere in the chat.
- Press and hold the shift key.
- Holding the shift key scroll using the up and down arrows of the keyboard.
Hi - thank you sick0M0de- this problem has been frustrating my engagement with ChatGPT - I am on a older version of Mac/Os but I have programs that new versions would not work so I prefer with what works with what I have. Many times I had to use disk utility / permissions etc - but it worked sometimes and lost many times thereafter . Your fix is great. I have let ChatGPT know they should fix this problem - if AI is to be a front runner of all things great then why so lazy and slow ! Once again thanks heaps > Great help.
I cant scroll down on chatgpt, if you all guys wanna know what device im using, iphone 6. and i open chatgpt on safari, how can i resolve this problem? i tried everything but doesn’t work
Same problem iphone 6s plus.
It solved my problem on Macbook Safari. I dont face the issue on Iphone Safari though.
You are a lifesaver!! This fixed it immediately!
Thank you so much! It worked like magic!
Have the same issue using nativifier, but fine on Brave browser…
Awesome! This was a straightforward and easy solution that works perfectly now. Thank you!