Assistants API not returning Response for Code Interpreter

Using the OpenAI node.js SDK, streaming Assistants API, version 4.52.4 (latest), and await as provided in the Documentation, the output of the code interpreter response would be shown nowhere in the thread stream. For instance, the response would be

  "code_interpreter": {
    "input": "# Define the values and percentages for the fee calculation\ndomain_value = 10000\nbase_escrow_fee = 162.50\nescrow_additional_percentage = 0.0026  # 0.26%\nbase_concierge_fee = 325\nconcierge_additional_percentage = 0.0052  # 0.52%\namount_over_5000 = domain_value - 5000\n\n# Calculate the additional amounts\nadditional_escrow_fee = amount_over_5000 * escrow_additional_percentage\nadditional_concierge_fee = amount_over_5000 * concierge_additional_percentage\n\n# Total fees\ntotal_escrow_fee = base_escrow_fee + additional_escrow_fee\ntotal_concierge_fee = base_concierge_fee + additional_concierge_fee\n\ntotal_escrow_fee, total_concierge_fee",
    "outputs": []

where the outputs always returns an empty array.

Same here, it seems this has been the case for over a year and everyone is just waiting for a fix…