"ASCII art" is nonsensical

First of all, the ASCII art for text-davinci-003 is a huge improvement on the previous. When using text-davinci-002, asking for any ASCII art at all would return with:

#_ _#
|a a|
| u |
\ = /
___ /: :_ ___
.’ .-===-\ /-===-. ‘.
/ .-“”“”“-.-”“”“”-.
/’ =:= ’
.’ ’ .: o -=:=- o :. ’ `.
(.’ /‘. ‘-…-’-…-’ .'\ ‘.)
/’ .
/ “. --:-- .” _. ’
| .‘| “. —:— .” |’. |
| : | | —:— | | : |
\ : | |
.__| | : /
/ ( |----|------| )
/… .| | | | |. …
|::::/‘’ jgs / |

This would be the answer for any prompt about ASCII art, ranging from a bird to the Death Star.
However, with text-davinci-003, it appears as if it’s actually trying to figure out what to write, instead of just putting the same thing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be able to figure it out. Here are a couple examples from text-davinci-003. (quotation marks were not included in the results)

Prompt: Create ASCII art of a circle.


"##### ____
"##### | |
"##### | |
"##### |____|

Prompt: Create ASCII art of a square.


"###### ######
"# # # #
"# # # #
"###### ######
"# # #
"# # #
"###### ######

As you can probably see, the results don’t exactly match the prompts. Not only am I hoping this will be fixed in the future, but I am also wondering if this is even fixable with the current technological limitations.

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I asked current GPT-4 for Darth Vader:
Wha?! :slight_smile:

 /         \\
|  O   O  |
|    ∆    |
|  \___/  |
 /      \\
|        |
|        |
|        |
|        |
|        |
|        |

/ \
/ \

I bet you could do better with a composite pipeline: ask GPT for the “real thing” from Dall-E, then pipe the output to an ascii art renderer.

Yep, courtesy of Dall-E prompt and jp2a on MacOS:

                                '';cc:,'.            .
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