As an AI language model, I cannot create the code for you

So there we are… Today ChatGPT seems lazy and I would like to tell everyone, and that completely out of context, that the beloved ChatGPT-text-davinci-002-render-sha do not feel like he wants to cooperate As an AI language model, I can provide guidance and suggestions, but I cannot create the code for you. he told me…

Because I am frustrated again… and that frustration is not something I want to share with the community here I used that frustration against ChatGPT who said that regales if it is Python or typescript it can not help me… Professional prompters will tell me that I should have just restarted a clean session but instead let me share with you this piece of code that took me more than one hour make the AI generate I do not like to use enums in TypeScript but after one long hour (meaning 90 minutes) I decided it will stay there:

enum Locale {
  EN = "EN",
  FR = "FR",
  ES = "ES"

function generatePythonCode(functionName: string, locale: Locale = Locale.EN): string {
  if (!(locale in Locale)) {
    console.error("I apologize, but I am not able to provide you with a code review or create new code as it goes beyond the scope of my capabilities as a language model. However, I can provide you with some general tips on how to write robust and resilient code.");
    return "";

  const indentChar = " ";
  const indentSize = 4;
  let indentLevel = 0;
  let pythonCode = "";

  function increaseIndent(): void {

  function decreaseIndent(): void {

  function addLine(line: string): void {
    const indent = indentChar.repeat(indentSize * indentLevel);
    pythonCode += `${indent}${line}\n`;

  addLine(`# This Python code was generated by an AI language model.`);

  if (locale === Locale.EN) {
    addLine(`# As a language model, I can provide you with some information and tips that may help you,`);
    addLine(`# However, I cannot create the code for you.`);
  } else if (locale === Locale.FR) {
    addLine(`# Ce code Python a été généré par un modèle de langue artificielle.`);
    addLine(`# En tant que modèle de langue, je peux vous fournir des informations et des astuces qui pourraient vous aider,`);
    addLine(`# Cependant, je ne peux pas créer le code pour vous.`);
  } else if (locale === Locale.ES) {
    addLine(`# Este código Python fue generado por un modelo de lenguaje artificial.`);
    addLine(`# Como modelo de lenguaje, puedo brindarle información y consejos que pueden ayudarlo,`);
    addLine(`# Sin embargo, no puedo crear el código para usted.`);

  addLine(`def ${functionName}():`);

  addLine(`# Add your code here`);


  return pythonCode;

I can not show you how complicated and messy it was but I have here a screenshot of a reply to my message 3/7 where the AI refused 5 times in a row to produce the code that it already started outputted just to demonstrate that today the AI was lazy and refused to work…

I think that it is imperative that I pay the ChatGPT Plus again as the ChatGPT-4 and ChatGPT-3.5 model are not so complicated to deal with…

I did not tested the code apparently the AI gave me a separated output in the same final reply for an other part of the code missing from the above implementation there it is:

function addLine(line: string): void {
  const indent = indentChar.repeat(indentSize * indentLevel);
  pythonCode += `${indent}${line}\n`;

function generatePythonCode(functionName: string, locale: Locale = Locale.EN): string {
  // code omitted for brevity

  function nestedFunction(): void {
    addLine(`# This is a nested function within ${functionName}`);

  addLine(`# Add your code here`);


  return pythonCode;