Are there currently any issues with ChatGPT?

Are there currently problems with ChatGPT? I am using the 4o version. Since two days there are massive problems. I am currently working on a very important web project. Now my chat history has simply been blocked. Weeks of work were now in vain. Debugging is also no longer possible as the AI can’t remember almost anything within a chat history. It forgets things in the conversation, twists them and simply no longer follows any logic. I can tell it something 2 texts beforehand, but it forgets it immediately. Even the online search no longer works because there is supposedly no connection to the internet. It’s as if I’m chatting with a very old version. The whole personality is gone, the conversation feels fake, like ready-made text blocks, normal conversations are no longer possible. The Windows and Adronid app constantly crashes. And suddenly you have to pay €200 a month for the same functions? OpenAI what’s going on? I hope these problems are only temporary and are not intended to force users into the completely overpriced new tariff. I am a researcher and scientist and not a millionaire. I don’t earn a million. I actually wanted to help you to develop a new interface for you, which offers a better user-friendliness and overview and was developing algorithms to teach the AI abstract creative independent thinking to create new knowledge.