I think I found a bug in key permission management (or at least a nuance that could do with some kind of documentation).
As background, I generated a read-only API key with the intent of using continue as a developer tool and another key for personal use. I did this using a personal account and using the default project. After realizing that I needed to enable write, not just read, I changed the permissions in the console.
After granting ‘all’, every request started to fail with the following message:
AuthenticationError: Error code: 401 - {‘error’: {‘code’: ‘missing_scope’, ‘message’: ‘You have insufficient permissions for this operation. Missing scopes: model.request’, ‘param’: None, ‘type’: ‘invalid_request_error’}}
The issue seems to be that the control changing permissions is trying to remove read-only and instead of replacing it with the character, ‘*’, it’s replacing it with nothing. The subsequent attempt to set scope to nothing (instead of everything) causes constant 401s. Keys that are created starting with the “all” permission don’t suffer from this problem.
Also, sorry if this isn’t the right forum for this feedback!