An app using the chatgpt 3.5 API has recently become unresponsive

The app that uses the chatgpt 3.5 API was working fine until recently, but has stopped responding recently. There doesn’t seem to be a problem with my account. How can I fix it?

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var completionResponse = await openai.CreateChatCompletion(new CreateChatCompletionRequest()
Model = “gpt-3.5-turbo-0613”,
Messages = messages

This is the code that I use for calling ChatGpt. I displayed the error message using try-catch. It says ‘could not find completionResponse.choices[0].message.refusal’.
The field ‘refusal’ is not one I made.
Looks like the function that i use is changed. Should I change something?


Can you post a code snippet of the API call?

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I fixed it by adding the field ‘refusal’. Thanks anyway for your concern.