After Plus subscription ended ChatGPT wont reply anymore due to Memory being way over 100% full

Can’t wait to have this thread be ignored again but here it goes:

Had a Plus subscription and with it comes more memory. AI filled memory almost up and now after the Plus subscription has ended and I’m back to being a free user the AI wont reply anymore.

Only through digging I found out that it does this because the Memory is way past 100% full, since with the Free Plan Memory has less characters. Its now at 370% Full. Since the Plus Tier has 4 times the memory. There is no warning about this anywhere and I dont think you are aware of this.

Now why this happens is because apparently the AI also gets with your message the instruction things and all the memory, because of some funky things the devs coded in the backend however it omits the entire memory section and the AI instead only gets the custom instructions send as a message. Like the original message is deleted and replaced with the custom instructions only.

Can you fix this? Its annoying. Also are you even aware of this happening?