The API playground is a tremendous waste of display space. See how it looks if I want to read some code:
So I spent some time going after everything that can be improved with CSS, without actually rewriting the HTML. A monospace font for coders is just the start…
– this is now obsolete due to changes with the playground and has been rermoved and will not return.
Hey _j, do you have discord or another offsite account I can contact you at? Have seen you a lot around this forum and you seem to have the best grasp of what’s going on. Banging my head against the wall on building a more complex agent right now
This might be what finally convinces me to download tamper monkey. I think it would be absolutely amazing if someone from OpenAI could take the hint here
globalThis.GM_addStyle = globalThis.GM_addStyle || ( function(innerText) {
let doc = document;
let head = doc.head || doc.body;
let style=doc.createElement("style");
if(head) head.appendChild(style);
} );
GM_addStyle(`--the CSS
will go here--`);