2 Months Into Learning Python: What should I focus on to create AI Agents?

Similar questions date back to 2023. So I thought it would be time to ask this in mid 2024.

Hi, all.

I’m looking to learn Python with the exclusive purpose of creating AI Agents.

A) I’ve created GPTs using plain English.
B) I’ve created an AI chatbot (prompt engineering, English) that helps survivors of domestic violence and has 500 users. StatuteFINDER (.) org
C) I’ve taken 2 months of Python courses and learned the basics. However, the Udemy courses I’ve taken are not teaching me how to apply my Python knowledge to create AI agents.

Can someone please help me bridge that gap? I need to know which specific Python skills will allow me to achieve my goal, and the #1 resource you’d recommend I go to learn them for under $50.

I’m not aiming to get hired as a Python developer. I don’t need to become a Python expert. I just need to know enough to execute my goal, please.

I’m looking to save lives.

Thanks for your help!


Welcome to the community!

I’d recommend the OpenAI Cookbook…

This page goes over Python with the Assistants API (like Custom GPTs but on your own website…)

If you have any specific questions, let us know. Feel free to browse the forum too, as we have a wealth of information here.

Happy coding!


How’s the coding going, @Rafael_Testai ? Well, I hope!

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I hope I wont be in trouble for over-promoting my work… I think this is the solution you are looking for.

I haven’t ported this to Python yet, this is still an open problem.

However, to create a learning agent utilising Phasm is a completely reasonable task.

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You can also check out various open source, python based libs.

Example is BabyAGI, written by a proclaimed “never held a job as a developer” person. So it may be less intimidating code for you to look at.

pip install babyagi

then fire up python, and execute this to get your dashboard:

import babyagi

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = babyagi.create_app('/dashboard')
    app.run(host='', port=8080)

For eye candy, look at your dashboard in any web browser at


You can get the python code locally to view it, or surf it on GitHub.

Years ago, I created my first agent CurtGPT by taking ideas from this BabyAGI project, simplifying everything, and putting my own spin on it.

So reverse engineering little projects like this is a good way to learn something useful and build something you can understand. This will get you beyond python basics and quickly into how to generate your own agents in python.


Yes, it’s coming along. I found that rather than following the Cook book, I work best by learning by doing. Then, asking ChatGPT to explain the code to me and mentor me. I’m still far from where I need to be. StatuteFINDER(dot)org is at 10K users now. Thanks for asking how I’ve been!


You’re doing well! That’s great!

Sorry to bump this ancient topic tonight.

I saw you liked a post of mine, so I got curious. Haha.

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