Your key is missing a required scope: app.labs

i am trying to get generate the image from text. i am getting a response

error: {
message: ‘Your key is missing a required scope: app.labs’,
type: ‘invalid_request_error’,
param: null,
code: ‘missing_scope’

i am using token from OpenAI API

Hi @dean2 ,

Can you share the request that you’re making?

I was having the same problem and solved it with the command:
pip install --upgrade openai

UPDATE: That command let me solve the connection to the API with GitHub - openai/openai-python: The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language. , but that error still occurs with GitHub - ezzcodeezzlife/dalle2-in-python: Use DALL·E 2 in Python .
So, for me changing the python lib is enough, and the connection works swapping to the different updated lib.