Experiencing lots of bugs and gateway, is Chatgpt down or something, please tell me, I was just about to create my story and suddenly I got a bad gateway as a result, please explain.
Yes, same issue, bad gateway
also having this issue, error 502, location in cloudflare in ashburn
same issue. is there any official statement, guys?
Maybe the fix is to disable Cloudflare!
Same here from Colombo, SL, Seems to be a global level issue
Maybe they are rolling out something?
Hi everyone, I’m new to the community. I have a paid version of chatgpt4 and suddenly can’t load or access it anymore, not at any of my browers, and also not after having deleted all histories. When trying to lead I get the message: “Bad Gateway. The web server reported a bad gateway error.” and I get this message on every browser!
Welcome @adinda
No worries, the team from OpenAI has already identified the root cause of the problem and is working on it to implement a fix. So: we can simply lean back, relax and drink some tea or coffee while we wait
Thanks I hope the problem is not political! No time for coffee or team I’m afraid.
I’m going to get a coffee first then!
been 3h+ still not working
Im in vermont and getting bad server gateway as well. Have been down since 6:00am had to switch to claude
In the news that its cyber attack on ChatGPT by russians…
that su*ks how much more coffe i have ti drink