Why don't I see in history my o1-preview query? (a copy of message to support)

Why don’t I see in history my o1-preview query for which I spent $0.67 (and closed it without storing the prompt for the future, thinking that it will appear in the history)?

If history is not for storing such queries, make it understandable for the user, not to repeat this my error.

[Added to support message: I used API Playground.]

o1-mini (plus a refusal for just trying to make an an output that says something about chat history):

another generation added to history by o1-preview:

There is no specific script with API call to update or retrieve a remote history. It is being refreshed locally by scripts based on the response. And it is working for me.

The playground history data is stored in a specific web browser’s IndexedDB local storage. You would have to reuse the same browser, same user profile, and not have the browser deleting site data at shutdown or blocking it as other privacy or security policy.