Why Don’t We Have Folder-Based Chat Organization Yet?

If you’re like most of us using ChatGPT regularly, you’ve probably noticed how fast the chat history turns into an unorganized mess. Trying to scroll through endless conversations just to find that one chat is a headache. A folder system to organize chats by project or topic would solve this instantly.

It’s a simple, common-sense feature that most apps already have. So, why hasn’t it been implemented yet? It’s a small change, but it would make a massive difference, especially as our chat histories grow. This is long overdue—let’s push to get it on the radar!


check out this tool
LeonidasGPT on chrome extension

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That’s why I don’t use Chat GPT systematically. I prefer to use Perplexity just because of the possibility to create “Spaces”.

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I would like to have a native folder system and not have to download a 3rd party extension or software to achieve this.

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