Whisper's auto-punctuation

Right. If I understand you correctly (again please accept the limitation that I am by no means steeped in programming knowledge), you are suggesting using “AI” on “AI” as a solution?

From this example here: Force no punctuation · openai/whisper · Discussion #589 · GitHub, it seems to me that those who run their own offline or hosted instances of Whisper CAN suppress a whole list of “symbols” including all common punctuations as a matter of “pre-processing”.

That would make my job of post-processing through regex considerably easier.

I am just asking why OpenAI couldn’t make this option available to users who want to approximate more of a “Dragon style” of dictations, for the lack of a better term.

Thanks for piping in!

P.S., is it possible to use --suppress_tokens=0,11,13,30 yourfile.mp3 style of flags on the Whisper hosted by OpenAI? It doesn’t seem to be documented anywhere from what I can find.