When will typing die out, paving the way for fully voice interfaces?



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I strongly believe synergy (becoming real cyborgs) is the only path forward for us. There is no way we will be able to compete with AGI.

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I like this human thought Vs token concept. It’s interesting to wonder which would be more valuable.

If the human brain is comprised of approximately 100 billion nerve cells (neurons) interconnected by trillions of connections (synapses), then there’s a large, yet physically limited number of pathways available based within the finite mass of our brain unless our brains extend beyond their physical form.

Computers don’t have that brain size constraint, which ultimately makes them capable of superior levels of “processing”; which will only improve as computer CPUs improve via human and AI innovation. This is a key reason why AI will transcend human’s thought capacity. And will probably lead to AI-augmentations for humans wanting to improve themselves. AI augmentations will replace nose and silicon breast jobs.

The large language models of today, assess the most likely next word / character. And our brains have a limited number of “pathways”. Today, AI can capture a few seconds of speech and replicate our speaking voice. It can “solve” complex puzzles. So it feels inevitable that it will “Solve” the human brain and become capable of resolving thoughts, just as LLM’s resolve written text.


Pip3 uninstall My_Personality


I will always opt-out of any sort of implant and hope dearly I’m not around for them.

Hallucinogenic drugs (especially salvia & datura) are enough proof to convince me that it’s possible to enter an infinite loop of conscious chaos (not the fun kind), and how easy it is to completely lose grasp of time & reality.

I also think we all are hyper focused & romanticizing a single component of our body. It’s a complete unit that has a lot more capabilities than the neural network in our brain. Our stomachs have a neural network as well dammit give it some loving as well


I don’t even have a tattoo, but if there was a proven, safe and common medical Human-AI procedure that could provide me with significantly improved memory and access to expanded knowledge, I would “invest” in it. And maybe one day people will be taking out “mortgages” for superior knowledge instead of going to Universities, which are already struggling.

When sick, I take medicine to artificially improve my recovery and comfort.

On a bike, I would wear a helmet to enhance my brain protection.

When my kids need support, I pay for tutors.

AI will become the new vanity. We’ll be confronted with the Kardashian’s, but they’ll all be upgraded to neuro, rocket and AI scientists.


Agree, gut health, probiotics, gut-brain axis etc. are a thing.

Our brains are nurtured by our bodies, and vice versa.

So as systems, you can’t neglect the system. :rofl:

Also, not quite on the waiting list for the next brain implant. So not wave 1. But wave 100? Maybe.

A lot has to be proven and developed for me to have any faith in implants.


I also think that interfacing digital NN’s with Meatware:tm: is simply a matter of bandwidth and compute, same as it is for almost all NN problems, throw lots of connections at it, the brain is a plastic device and so is the digital side of it, might take some training… but it should be possible with enough interconnects.


That’s another point, but good you are not rejecting the idea itself.

Also a though experiment. Say you know that you are going to die in 1 month but you have an option to be in the 1/2/3 wave with a risk of bad outcome, but a probability of becoming a super-human instead of dying. What would you choose? :slight_smile:

Die in 1 month?

Sure give me the implant :rofl:

But if the implant would prevent me from dying? Woah, that is like some kind of crazy therapy.

Are you ready for the trial? :face_with_monocle:

My point is - we tend to assess probabilities of events given the existing context, but giving it a bit more thought we can easily go the opposite direction with our decisions. I also think now I wouldn’t be the first to run for Neuralink, but who knows how life will turn :slight_smile:

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Well, sure, nobody is saying you should be in wave 1/2/3.

But my point is that these early waves are for the really adventurous, or folks with nothing to lose (and are adventurous).

Adventure leads the way.


Going back to this original question. I think voice interfaces are awesome! They might be slower, and less precise, but are more intuitive.

However, pretty much any phone/computer has a built-in voice interface. Do I use it? I think only in cases where I want conversational AI and not worried about being “overheard”.

Since I’d rather keep whatever conversations private, I tend to type and not speak.

However, my next side project is to try building some sort of 1-way AI speaker. So the AI just talks and talks, no mic input back. Let’s see how that goes, I will gain a lot more perspective. And since it is 1-way, the privacy concerns are minor, since I am programming the speaker to not say anything private.

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I was not clear enough in my original post.

What I mean by 100% voice interface is when you don’t need to type not inside one specefic app, but on an OS level, where you have a voice assistant that knows all the apps and their data and instead of say 10-20 taps to change some setting you just exchange 1-3 voice messages with the assistant.

Current voice assistants (like Siri) are bad at this on all levels: from the mere understanding the words to having very limited knowledge about and access to the OS and the apps in it.

I agree, all these voice assistants seem to be very narrow and task oriented, but no personality or “knowledge”.

This is where my speaker comes in. It will have knowledge that I provide it through RAG + LLM. And it will emit random knowledge throughout the day.

Maybe after I get this setup, I will implement a mic and talk back to it and interact with it.

But just getting some sort of “smart” speaker to actually be smart is my first goal :rofl:

PS I can already do this through SMS networks, but it’s all text based. Except for optional voice to text as input.

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Btw here’s an answer to my initial question: one of the very important pieces missing - OS level access to all the apps (and understanding what they are) and their data. Say in iOS even after deliberate user permissions you are still very limited.

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Voice will replace some typing tasks but most developers and IT people can type far faster than they can speak their intentions. So typing won’t “die out”.

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I’ve been using voice control when I can get away with it for a long time now, and it’s really useful for many things, but UI navigation remains a horrible experience on basically any platform.

Privacy is also an issue, as it’s probably not a good idea to speak your password out loud in public spaces :laughing:

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How about changing phone / app settings? Frankly it is a nightmare.

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We already have password managers for that :slight_smile:

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