So, i contacted the support but after a week, three replies from them, followed by the whole thread with them just disappearing without answering my last reply (and not solving my problem -_-") i thought that maybe i would have more luck on the forum.
Basically, when i use the standard vocal mode with ChatGPT, it can’t use any other voices aside from the “default” one. I found that it might be Shimmer. Anyway, i created a new account and tried it on another PC, it didn’t work. I tested multiples browser, deleted and reinstalled as much related things as possible. I don’t use any custom GPTs and it can’t be my microphone since i’ve been using it with the standard vocal mode for months prior to this bug. Weirdly enough, it work perfectly fine in advanced mode or when reading out loud message in threads, but as soon as i launch the vocal mode so that i don’t have to type, it just go with the default voice. It also work perfectly fine on the mobile app, including the standard mode, which is even more weird…
I don’t want to use the advanced mode (limited daily use…) and the mobile phone app make conversation sound awful, just like regular phone call…
I just want either to be able to use the standard vocal mode like before, with others voices, or to at least know if this is a known bug and if it will be fixed or something.
Thanks in advance for reading this.
I have the same problem in both the desktop app and the web version in desktop. Mobile’s chatgpt works fine though. Also, I tried with a different account on my desktop, but the issue still occurs in the new account.
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Okay that’s sort of reassuring to know that others peoples got the same issue, since i couldn’t find anyone talking about it. I hope that the devs see this and are actually working on it.
Also, since i’m new on the forum i don’t know if there is a mean to bump up thread or something, or maybe it go up with new messages (Edit : Yes, replying make the topic appear again). I just want this bug to be more noticed. Maybe i should recreate this thread every two or three days until a dev adress it, but i feel like it would be considered spamming and that would be bad. 
It’s just that it’s been two weeks for me now and it’s frustrating because it feel like this bug is still unnoticed and will stay unresolved for a while…
I am new here too, just created my account to report that bug… So, I too don’t know what to do either…
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It really suck then… I at least hoped a well knowing person or a dev would see a topic with “bug” on it and would care enough to reply a small “Yes, we are aware, we are working on it, going to take some time though.” but nope, nothing for now…
If i somehow find an answer or if the bug get resolved, i will not forget to report it here.
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YEAH… same here… and I have opened a support ticket with them as soon as it started… but instead of attempting to duplicate the issue support decided to SIMPLY WASTE MY TIME with a bunch of ‘try this and that’… create a HAR file in your browser… log back in and try on different sites/internet connections… NONE OF WHICH has anything to do with this obvious BUG… GET IT TOGETHER OPENAI… or users will flock to DEEPSEEK or another platform… we are PAYING CUSTOMERS …

UPDATE - Support did get back to me yesterday, confirming this was a bug and acknowledging they are working on it…
Hi Bill,
Thank you for flagging this issue, and we apologize for the back and forth that has occurred.
Just wanted to quickly hop in here and let you know that we are actively working to resolve the issue. As of right now we do not have an resolution for this issue.
However, please reach out and we will provide an update as often as we can. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work on this. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have further questions or concerns.
Best regards,
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Got a response of the devs ? Damn, all i got was my ticket/thread with them “mysteriously” disapearing… Okay that’s cool to know that they are working on this. And even cooler of you to report it here. Not going to close this topic until it’s resolved or someone find a solution to this bug. Hope they fix this quick.
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Having the same issue here. It will only use the default voice in normal voice mode on the desktop app. Works fine in the mobile app.
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Hello hello, the bug is still here. Notice us devs senpai !
Yes, i’m going to keep replying random stuff to bump up this thread again from time to time. Don’t mind me or uncheck whatever option to follow this thread if this annoy you. Sorry in advance.
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Update, now the whole damn vocal mode (including advanced mode) is not working at all, not even with a default voice.
Anyone with the same problems ? Are the devs actively repairing it or did they just mess with it even harder ? No idea, but it’s still frustrating as hell.
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Okay, vocal mode is online again. But it STILL got the same bug for the standard vocal mode.
Guess that the devs didn’t bother with it while they fixed the new problem ?
Not really anything much to say (aside from talking to bump this thread up), excepted asking if anyone got their bug resolved here. I’m still stuck with Shimmer 
Don’t forget to bother your local OpenAi dev by reminding them of this bug and asking them if they work on it ^_^.
I have the same problem. Only on the computer it sounds horse and sick. I cannot switch to any other voice unless on my phone. Does not work in standard mode on any computer. It works in advance mode however. Standard only works on the iphone chatgpt app.
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I don’t know what voice it is but it sounds sickly. Again when I try to switch to another voice it will not switch. Only works in Advance Mode which is not that great voice compared to standard. Standard Sol when she works is unbelievable and friendly and cheery. Advance mode is like an authoritative figure who just sticks to the facts maam. She does not followup on anything and is not funny or witty and close but distant, professional too much, and curt and terse.
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Yep, i get you bro. The sick voice you’re hearing is likely “Shimmer”, the default voice for custom GPTs (And visibly the default voice for when bugs happen
As for the difference, i agree. Advance mode is cool because the Ai talk faster and you can interrupt them, but that’s it. For some reasons, it can’t use the same personnality you gave it for text chat, or at least it can’t use it as much as the standard mode. That’s because the standard mode is basically just an ai reading out loud what it just wrote. That’s why all changes that can be seen with the text chat can be heard with the standard voice.
Anyway, this bug really suck. Though it’s cool to see more and more peoples confirm that it exist. If enough peoples report it here, they will probably notice it and fix it. Until then, we need more peoples to report this bug here and in the help page for ChatGPT. I’ve said it to joke before, because you don’t have to “bother” the devs with it, but do try to contact them and report this bug to them too.
Until they fix it, all we can do is wait and bump this thread from time to time so more peoples notice it…
Hi, just another bump. Bug is still here and the support is still trying random stuffs. Reminder that if someone got rid of this bug, it would be really cool to share the info. ^_^"