I’m getting enough of the pieces of AgentM in place that I’m able to get it to do useful things. I wrote a small program (ok AgentM wrote part of it) that fetches the last days worth of research papers from arxiv.org, filters them to the papers related to topics I care about, and then projects those filtered papers to a uniform markdown format for easy scanning:
It uses gpt-4o-mini so it’s cost effective to run and it took 6 or 7 minutes in total to process 553 papers. Here’s the meat of the code:
// Initialize OpenAI
const apiKey = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY!;
const model = 'gpt-4o-mini';
const completePrompt = openai({ apiKey, model });
// Define the projections template
const template =
`# <title> (<pubDate in mm/dd/yyyy format>)
[Read more](<link>)`;
async function main() {
// Fetch latest papers
console.log(`\x1b[35;1mFetching latest papers from arxiv.org...\x1b[0m`);
const data = await fetchUrl(`https://rss.arxiv.org/rss/cs.cl+cs.ai`);
const feed = parseFeed(data);
// Identify topics of interest
const topics = process.argv[2] ?? `new prompting techniques or advances with agents`;
console.log(`\x1b[35;1mFiltering papers by topics: ${topics}...\x1b[0m`);
// Filter papers by topic
const parallelCompletions = 3;
const filterGoal = `Filter the list to only include papers related to ${topics}.`;
const filtered = await filterList({goal: filterGoal, list: feed, parallelCompletions, completePrompt });
if (!filtered.completed) {
// Generate projections
console.log(`\x1b[35;1mGenerating projections for ${filtered.value!.length} of ${feed.length} papers...\x1b[0m`);
const goal = `Map the news item to the template.`;
const projections = await projectList({goal, list: filtered.value!, template, parallelCompletions, completePrompt })
if (!projections.completed) {
// Render papers
projections.value!.forEach((entry) => console.log(`\x1b[32m${entry.projection}\x1b[0m\n\n${'='.repeat(80)}\n`));