Usage Tier 3 access denied to o3-mini

If it’s not too much trouble, could you guys run another batch today? I have reached Tier 3 yesterday and I am eager to use o3-mini to help me with math problems.

Are you even a developer?

You sound more like a project manager.

If you want them to add a status mechanism then they will sit in meetings for the next week to plan the status update mechanism.

Giving status means you slow down the process.

They could go into the room of totally exhausted devs and ask them again every 20 minutes. But they are in the USA. The devs may have guns. Better don’t :sweat_smile:

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It’s been 2 days since I paid 100 dollars to access the o3 mini and the same level 1 models continue to appear, I feel cheated.


@edwinarbus we got to tier 3 and according to the docs, we should have access to o3-mini but we still get the error that we do not have access yet.
Could you please check?

Maybe not helpful but I’m on tier 5 and can confirm I do have o3-mini via the api and platform pages.

Maybe I can shed some light. Answer for yourself:

  • Has it been 7+ days since your first payment, only after making an additional payment?

Note that you must not just pre-pay, but you also must actually reach tier-3+ to be considered for the next manual deployment roll-out round of o3-mini to qualifying organizations.

Check your tier level here to be sure:

Tier is primarily a trust level, ensuring OpenAI’s exposure to rapid fraud is minimized. Secondary is probably “send big money if you want advanced access turned on, being competitive with ChatGPT subscriptions”.

If you are talking about a single payment, or multiple payments made in the first week, you will need to wait 7+ days since first successful payment. Then a new (small) payment will recalculate the tier based on the total then paid in and the elapsed time…


My first payment was a year ago and turned tier 3 on Monday so also patiently waiting for access

Me too, my first payment from a year ago, and I topup 100 USD this week. My o3 mini API not working, Waiting for solution?

I’m also tier 3 waiting for o3-mini access, pls papa pls

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If I am already at level 3, and I have had my account for a long time, it was now that I upgraded to a higher plan.

The days keep passing and there are no answers, even the support is not responding.

They activate that in batches. That means they select a bunch of accounts to add it to.

Then they monitor it and select the next bunch.

Who gets into the next batch?

The accounts that became tier 3 first.

You just became tier 3. That means you are in the last batch.

Isn’t that logical?

That is logical, thanks. But hopefully we got an email when that happen.

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It would be logical for OpenAI to add clear instructions on the rate limits page about the ongoing rollout, next to o1 and o3-mini. At the moment, it is easy for one to expect access just by reading these tier tables and thinking there is something wrong with your account.


Oh yeah that is missleading indeed.

The part with

“To view the exact rate limits per model for your account, visit the limits section of your account settings.”

should be made accessible to a more diverse group of people.
For example to people who can’t read.

That was funny… But when people visit the Docs, they expect the Tier tables to provide a general view of model availability and rates for each tier. The fact that they can see the same kind of tables customized for their account does not eliminate the likelihood that they will think that something is missing (o3-mini and o1). On the contrary, the very fact that they can visit their account settings and see that o3-mini and o1 are missing will cause many people to wonder if something is wrong with their account. To prevent this, just show that o3-mini and o1 are available for your tier, but explictly state that they are still on a process of progressive rollout.

Yeah, that is a good idea. :melting_face:

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T5 - nothing still after a whole week of waiting

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Same. T4 for a week and still waiting …

I’ve been Tier 4 for the last 7 days, but am still missing o3-mini on my account. Did the batch from earlier this week fully roll out yet?

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Have updated to Tier3 level a few days ago but still have no access to o3-mini and o1 model. Is that passoible for you to roll out more batchs so we could use o3-mini and o1? It’s very important for our business! Thanks!