Train a GPT model in my tone

Here follow the no style sample from the playground:

Hello Jone Doe, I hope you are doing well. You provided assistance with some electrical jobs a few years ago and I am reaching out again regarding a setup for one of those portable generators. Do you offer this type of service?

Hello Victoria. We have decided to cancel our services. Unfortunately, the cleaning that was done last time did not meet our expectations. Even without the use of a good vacuum, there were still areas that were missed. Thank you for your time.

Hello Jone, I was doing laundry last night and sparks shot out of the side of the washer when I opened it mid-cycle to add a shirt. It smelled burnt but there were no markings. Could we have it inspected to ensure it is safe? Additionally, I could not locate a fire extinguisher. If I am missing one, please let me know. Otherwise, I will purchase one for the apartment. Please do not hesitate to call if you need more information or have any questions.

Basically your goal is to use the playground link I gave you or API to generate as many samples as you can (at least 400). Then use the no style text paired with original text to generate the jsonl file for fine tuning a model to rewrite no style texts into your voice.

If you do not feel comfortable with API, it’s better/faster/cheaper to hire someone.

The bot is a whole different story… Need more details on what you need it do and how you’ll be using it to say anything meaningful on the subject.

BTW I’m the tech guy here: