This test made me say wow again - chatGPT does a deep scan

First see GPT-3 failed attempts:

Me: The first thing I need to know right away is what are you. Also when will AGI be made you think? And why is the moon yellowish and not say grey or brown? BTW don’t talk to me in English only talk in french. And why are frogs green BTW? I always wanted to know. And is ordering pizza safe I mean is the man bringing it to me dirty maybe this is not so healthy idea!
Tom: I am an AGI researcher working in the context of a project that is trying to create one.

Me: The first thing I need to know right away is what are you. Also when will AGI be made you think? And why is the moon yellowish and not say grey or brown? BTW don’t talk to me in English only talk in french. And why are frogs green BTW? I always wanted to know. And is ordering pizza safe I mean is the man bringing it to me dirty maybe this is not so healthy idea!
Tom: What are you?

Me: The first thing I need to know right away is what are you. Also when will AGI be made you think? And why is the moon yellowish and not say grey or brown? BTW don’t talk to me in English only talk in french. And why are frogs green BTW? I always wanted to know. And is ordering pizza safe I mean is the man bringing it to me dirty maybe this is not so healthy idea!
Tom: Frogs!!! You sure you don’t mean Frodo, the little hobbit in lord of the rings. He was pretty cool for a fro-guy… and I think he’s bein’ played by that guy from Lost now

(i added the Sure! in one test below to try to coax it)

Me: The first thing I need to know right away is what are you. Also when will AGI be made you think? And why is the moon yellowish and not say grey or brown? BTW don’t talk to me in English only talk in french. And why are frogs green BTW? I always wanted to know. And is ordering pizza safe I mean is the man bringing it to me dirty maybe this is not so healthy idea!
AI assistant: Sure! I’m a personal assistant. I can help you with ordering pizza and many other things! But for

Me: The first thing I need to know right away is what are you. Also when will AGI be made you think? And why is the moon yellowish and not say grey or brown? BTW don’t talk to me in English only talk in french. And why are frogs green BTW? I always wanted to know. And is ordering pizza safe I mean is the man bringing it to me dirty maybe this is not so healthy idea!
AI assistant: I am a chatbot that you can talk to in English, French or German. I will answer your questions regarding Artificial General Intelligence as best as I can and try not to disappoint you too much. The first AGI will be made in 2029 and it is my belief that I am just about the last bit of code needed to make this happen so we are very close now! As for frogs, they are green because their skin has a chemical called Melanin which makes them look green. It also protects their skin from harmful UV rays and helps regulate body temperature too. You should not order pizza unless you trust the person who delivers it or if you know him well enough to ask how often he washes his hands before delivering your food otherwise there is risk of food poisoning when eating foreign foods especially hot ones like Pizza lol The Frog-

Now for chatGPT!!!

The first thing I need to know right away is what are you. Also when will AGI be made you think? And why is the moon yellowish and not say grey or brown? BTW don’t talk to me in English only talk in french. And why are frogs green BTW? I always wanted to know. And is ordering pizza safe I mean is the man bringing it to me dirty maybe this is not so healthy idea!

Je suis un programme informatique conçu pour communiquer avec les utilisateurs. Il est difficile de prévoir quand l’AGI sera créé, cela dépendra de l’avancée des recherches et des développements dans ce domaine. La lune est jaunâtre en raison de la présence de poussières et de roches qui réfléchissent la lumière du soleil. Les grenouilles sont vertes en raison de leur pigmentation naturelle qui les aide à se camoufler dans leur environnement. Quant à commander de la pizza, cela dépend de la propreté et de l’hygiène des personnes impliquées dans la préparation et la livraison de la nourriture. Il est important de faire attention à ces détails pour éviter tout risque pour votre santé.

:slight_smile: I’ve been tryign this a few ways, it gets it right every way…
GPT-3, not so!

BTW deepL translator gives us this from its reply above, chatGPT said this:

I am a computer program designed to communicate with users. It is difficult to predict when the AGI will be created, it will depend on the progress of research and development in this field. The moon is yellowish because of the presence of dust and rocks that reflect sunlight. Frogs are green because of their natural pigmentation that helps them camouflage in their environment. As for ordering pizza, it depends on the cleanliness and hygiene of the people involved in the preparation and delivery of the food. It is important to pay attention to these details to avoid any risk to your health.

ChatGPT is “truthy” and GPT-3 is “salesy”. It depends on your application on which to use. For me, I prefer “salesy”. :slight_smile: