The dndGPT Case Study for You and Me!

Making Logos with ChatGPT

We’re just continuing to go coo-coo bananas with this thing and have decided to make a project as fully automated as possible.

Starting, with a logo, of course, which is the first thing everyone wants to do in small business. So, here’s how you do it. (Hint: It’s still not “fully automated.”)

Logo Conceptualization

This is the easy part. After a long-ish conversation with DungeonMasterGPT (dndgpt), we came up with a concept that had the feel of the classic DND with some modern what-not.

Okay, so right out of the box that is AWESOME. So AWESOME. It’s not a “Logo” yet, but man! What a concept.

You can also see there are several small hallucinations and inconsistencies, like the attempt at the “œ” in the logo type. A+ for effort, though.

Add Some 4o Magic

In between the above image, and this one below, the CustomGPTs clearly got an upgrade to 4o. I don’t remember what I was asking about in the above image, “what font did you use?”

Well, the model took it upon itself to redraw the image:

Oh my stars and garters—quintuple wow! Holy smokes, this is PERFECT. It’s STILL not a “logo,” but wow! Without being asked, the model corrected the image with incredible clarity. This saved an entire step and several hours.

Making a Modern Logo

To be a modern logo, we still need this in a variety of vector formats with other aspects, such as font, made consistent. To do this, it’s still necessary to pull into Adobe Illustrator.

Otherwise, truly, the only thing that needed to happen with the actual graphic was that it be converted to vectors and simplified.

But to be more widely useable, the font still had to be identified and the logo type had to be rebuilt:

In the above image, we use native Adobe tools to identify the font ChatGPT had in mind. We chose Shackleton Narrow and Open Sans Light.

In the second step, we make that look like the original graphic. Yes, it “looks” almost identical, but the key difference is that now the process is exactly repeatable.

Here’s the Final Result

Conclusion and What Features Would Be Helpful

So, as you can see, we can get ChatGPT to do a lot of the work, not all. Dalle still persistently creates weird chat hallucinations, and it’s still not possible output images as vectors.

Based on this experience and the first attempts at image overlays in the above post, we think ChatGPT would benefit from an “assembly layer,” when working with images.

It can already call python and add image layers (just like you would with Adobe), but we envision something more robust. Perhaps this assembly layer can call fonts, too.

So, instead of imagining an image with text, it imagines an image, creates a space for text, then adds the text layer using a specified font (or a font that can be specified) typing the font on the image… also making the visual experience more consistent.

Otherwise, all of this is enormously fun, and we’ve got a lot more to share.

Thanks for reading and trying out the cGPT… make sure to check out the new instagram… (lawl).