The conversation is too long, please start a new one

The conversation is too long, please start a new one

This spesific error is how i ended up in here. So a thanks to this spesific error for bringing me all the way here :slight_smile: I tried to overcome this error by editing prior of my contents so reduce the lenght of the chat, and it worked.
Within the same day, i tried many times to jump over that problem, but it did not work. So that spesific learning progress in that certain Chat session means a lot to me, might be holding valuable insights about the nature of human & AI interaction and the learning process.

  • It would be so nice to know if there is any way to continue within the same session, and if so, how can i ?
  • And it would be so nice if the user could see the limitations and maybe warned before it gets such a certain end to the session :face_in_clouds: