Testing for Risk/Safety -- Requesting Suggestions

Hi! I’ve begun introducing safeguards into my project. I’m getting good results, but it’s far from bulletproof.

I’ve read the Safety best practices but I’m wondering if anyone has further suggestions on how to test for risk and safety. I’d love to run the project through a similar gamut of tests to those it will face when we apply go “Go Live”; anything that could help us prepare would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Matt, great question! I would recommend submitting your app for the pre-launch review when you’re ready. The team will be happy to give you feedback on how to improve the safety of your app and make it more bulletproof :slight_smile:

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Thanks Raf! Sounds good. Hope you’re doing well!

i’m curious about the risk and safety analysis performed before the chatgpt release. has anyone seen a writeup of what went into that?