Suggestion to add for Chat GPT

This doesn’t really have anything to do with the ChatGPT web page itself, but rather with a react component they use to handle the scrolling.

It was discussed a bit last year here:

I’m not too interested in diving back into it now myself, but the documentation for the component is here:

I think part of the issue is it wasn’t designed with the amount of text being added in a stream like ChatGPT does.

You might be able to fiddle with the defaults with a userscript to smooth out the scrolling more.

Off the top of my head I think you’d want to look into adjusting the,

  • checkInterval
  • debounce
  • scroller


Maybe decreasing the checkInterval, increasing the debounce, and drafting a scroller function that limits the scroll to a fraction of the way to the actual bottom.

If I have some time tonight I might try to hack on it a bit.