I am a regular user of ChatGPT and greatly appreciate your service. I would like to submit a suggestion to improve the user experience on the web version of ChatGPT.
Currently, there is no integrated search function to find specific keywords or phrases in previous conversation sessions. This feature is available in the mobile application and is very practical, especially when dealing with a large variety of sessions. It would be extremely useful to have a similar search bar above the session column on the web version to facilitate navigation and the search for specific conversations.
Thank you for considering this suggestion. I am convinced that it would greatly enhance user efficiency and satisfaction.
Best regards,
Esther Lisette
Translated from French by ChatGPT
I want to amplify Esther’s request here; this is very important!
As a frequent user of ChatGPT, I greatly appreciate the convenience and functionality of the Android app, particularly the search feature that allows me to locate and reference previous conversations quickly. This capability is invaluable for users who engage in extensive and ongoing dialogues with the AI, as it enhances productivity and user experience by enabling easy access to prior discussions.
However, this essential feature is currently absent from the web version of ChatGPT. Given the extensive use of the web platform by many users, including myself, the lack of a search function significantly hampers the efficiency and effectiveness of our interactions with the AI.
Key Points:
- Enhanced Usability: The search feature dramatically improves user experience by allowing quick and easy access to previous threads, which is particularly useful for reference and continuity in long-term conversations.
- Consistency Across Platforms: Implementing the search function on the web version would ensure a consistent and seamless user experience across different devices, aligning the capabilities of the web and mobile platforms.
- User Demand: There is a high demand for this feature among web users, as evidenced by frequent mentions in user feedback and discussions.
This enhancement would be significant for many users and would bring the web version’s functionality up to par with that offered by the Android app.
Please raise the priority of this request!
Adding to the points raised by Esther and others, I’d underscore the limitations of the current search functionality on mobile. While it’s useful, it only searches within recently loaded sessions, so you have to scroll down far to load in older threads before they are considered by the search. I’m a frequent user who relies on ChatGPT for ongoing, intricate projects. Being able to quickly search & retrieve info across all past sessions would be a game-changer for continuity/productivity. A true, comprehensive search function for both web & mobile would significantly enhance the platform’s usability. Thanks for considering this!
I suggest including a search bar so that previous chats can be found quickly. This would help users access past information without having to search manually.