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It’s a server problem. If you open your web browser dev tools, you’ll notice that as soon as you go to the page you will see an error with a long url, which is a api call, and the error reads “429 Too many requests”. This 429 error means that YOU have sent too many requests in a given amount of time.

Screenshot 2023-05-07 173132

I think what’s happening is that the devs/admins can’t keep pace with all the traffic and are trying to limit the number of requests. I’m sure they didn’t mean it to encompass the paid people. They tried it a few weeks ago, didn’t work, stopped it, made some tweaks and are trying it again with the same results. Something they need to figure out.

They should probably just ask ChatGpt how to fix it :slight_smile:

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This was the answer for me. Now it’s working flawlessly, thank you.

I’m a paid user and it’s being like this for over a month. I’ve tried all of the suggestions here. We need customer service and reimbursement for our payments!

I’m in one of the supported countries and I’m not using VPN. I pay for Chat GPT PLus and I get this issue all the time

Right answer, if you’re using NordVPN

That was it. Just in time… I was about woodchip my computer.
Thank you!

Hey folks, please get in touch with our support team at if you run into issues!