[solved]Having troubles to make assistant retrieve information from google sheets

Hi, everyone!
I am new to coding and I am using chatGPT and Gemini to help me to build a local assistant using chatGPT API.
Now I am on the “building a memory” part. I want it to get information from google sheet. Now both google sheets API and the assistant API works fine. but it seems that the it couldn’t match or recognize the information google sheets passed to it.

Here is the log: - - [28/Jan/2025 00:49:13] "GET /user-icon.png HTTP/1.1" 304 -

All Sheet Data: [['Betty', '2025 1-27 23:16', 'note', 'My birthday is Feb. 9th', 'low', 'betty', 'NA', 'manual']]

Matched Rows: []

Query sent to Google Sheets: i mean, can you fetch any data from a google sheet function(installed in back end) about my birthday?

Retrieved data: None

No related data found in Google Sheets.

Obviously it got the information from google sheets, I tested by input my birthday there and asked the assistant if it knows. But it still replied it doesn’t know.

And here is the part of the get information from google sheet code in the “ask” part:

@app.route('/ask', methods=['POST'])

async def ask_assistant():


data = request.get_json()

input_text = data.get('input')

if not input_text:

return jsonify({"error": "Input is required"}), 400

thread_id = os.getenv("THREAD_ID")

if not thread_id:

raise ValueError("THREAD_ID environment variable is not set")

thread_id = check_and_manage_thread(thread_id)

thread = client.beta.threads.retrieve(thread_id)

# Retrieve related memory from Google Sheets

retrieved_data = read_sheet_data(input_text.lower())

print(f"Query sent to Google Sheets: {input_text.lower()}")

print(f"Retrieved data: {retrieved_data}")

# If related memory is found, append it to the input text

if retrieved_data:

input_text += f"\n\nRelated memory: {retrieved_data}"


print("No related data found in Google Sheets.") 

There is no error report in the log. The assistant can still response but it couldn’t combine the data retrieved from google sheets into its context.
Can any one explain and help me to understand and fix it?

Thank you so much in advance!

Oh, no worries! I have figured that out! Solved! yeah!