user request: “show product of id 3”
Result: “last_error”:{“code”:“server_error”,“message”:“Sorry, something went wrong.”}
performed in playground works perfectly !!!
Some log:
whileloop: in_progress run_3ry5SHtv3dhQPGR…
[2024-08-10 15:15:30] in_progress run_3ry5SHtv3dhQPGR…
[2024-08-10 15:15:30] in_progress run_3ry5SHtv3dhQPGR…
[2024-08-10 15:15:31] failed run_3ry5SHtv3dhQPGR…
Assistant: you are an expert in SQL and can execute sql queries using the executeSQL function,
tools : file search with database structure
Function: {
“name”: “eseguiSQL”,
“description”: “esegue una query sql, esempio select * from prodotti where ID = :id”,
“strict”: false,
“parameters”: {
“type”: “object”,
“properties”: {
“sql”: {
“type”: “string”,
“description”: “comando sql per esempio select * from clienti order by ragsoc”
“type”: {
“tipo”: “string”,
“description”: “tipo CRUD”,
“enum”: [
“params”: {
“type”: “string”,
“description”: "parametri della query , esempio $params[‘:prezzo’, ‘:um’] "
“conditions”: {
“type”: “string”,
“description”: "condizioni della query , esempio $params[‘:id’, ‘:scorta’] "
“required”: [
A strange thing, I added List run steps and now it works!
show product of ID 3
no answer
show product of ID 3
Assistant (now it works)
Here are the details of the product with ID 3: - Description: porcini mushrooms - Category: side dishes - Unit of Measure: kg - Price: €20.00