Request for DALL·E Update – improve tackle vs flag recognition

I’d like to request an update to DALL·E’s image generation model to improve its ability to accurately depict flag football. Currently, when requesting flag football images, DALL·E often generates players wearing helmets, pads, and other tackle football gear, even when explicitly instructed otherwise.

Issues Observed:

:white_check_mark: Tackle football elements appear incorrectly (helmets, pads, contact play).
:white_check_mark: Flag football belts are missing even when explicitly requested.
:white_check_mark: Players often wear full tackle football uniforms instead of jerseys, shorts, and flags.
:white_check_mark: Even when I say “no helmets, no pads,” the AI still includes them in many cases.

Is there anything that can be done here? Simple ask, tackle football has equipment on, flag football doesn’t. Any help would be much appreciated