I would like to request a feature similar to breadcrumbs or clickable links within a conversation, which would allow users to jump directly to specific sections or topics. In the current setup, when the chat contains multiple topics or long responses, users need to scroll through the entire conversation to find relevant parts. This can be inefficient, especially with long chats.
For example, if I’m discussing multiple topics like React PropTypes, Fetch API, and others, and I need to revisit one of them, I have to manually scroll through the conversation to find the relevant section. Instead, having clickable breadcrumbs or a clickable table of contents at the top would allow users to jump directly to a particular topic, like “React PropTypes” or “Fetch API,” without needing to scroll endlessly.
This breadcrumb-style navigation would save time, improve user experience, and make it much easier to find specific information within long or complex conversations.