Realtime API (WebRTC) does a "fake" function call until I beg it to try again

It will say that it’s called the function, and it hasn’t, then I’ll ask it to try again, and it’ll do it that time. Here’s some of my code:

dc.addEventListener("message", async (ev) => {
  const msg = JSON.parse(;
  console.log("Realtime event:", msg.type, msg);

   if (msg.type === "response.done") {
    if (msg?.response?.output) {
      for (const item of msg.response.output) {
        if (item.type === "function_call") {
          const fnName =;
          const rawArgs = item.arguments || "";
          console.log("Function call from response.done:", fnName, rawArgs);

          const parsedArgs = JSON.parse(rawArgs || "{}");
          const fn = fns[fnName];
          if (!fn) {
            console.warn("No local function named:", fnName);
          const result = fn(parsedArgs);

          // Return the function output
          const functionOutputEvent = {
            type: "conversation.item.create",
            item: {
              type: "function_call_output",
              call_id: item.call_id,
              output: JSON.stringify(result),

          // Then ask the model to keep responding
          dc.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "response.create" }));
function configureData() {
    const dc = dataChannelRef.current;
    if (!dc) return;

    // We let the AI know about these local “tools” in a session.update:
    const event = {
      type: "session.update",
      session: {
        modalities: ["text", "audio"],
        tools: [
            type: "function",
            name: "highlightColumn",
            description: "Highlight an entire column (1–18) in the periodic table.",
            parameters: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                column: { type: "number", description: "A column from 1 to 18" },
              required: ["column"],
            type: "function",
            name: "highlightGroupBlock",
            description: 'Highlight an entire group block (e.g. "alkali metal").',
            parameters: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                groupBlock: {
                  type: "string",
                    'A group label, e.g. "alkali metal", "alkaline earth metal", "transition metal", etc.',
              required: ["groupBlock"],
            type: "function",
            name: "toggleElementHighlight",
            description: "Toggle highlight on a single element by its name.",
            parameters: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                elementName: {
                  type: "string",
                  description: "name of the element i.e. 'Hydrogen' first letter must be capitalized. You MUST ensure" +
                      "that you've received confirmation of an element being highlighted before saying you've done it.",
              required: ["elementName"],
            type: "function",
            name: "showElementModal",
            description: "Open the info modal for an element based on its name.",
            parameters: {
              type: "object",
              properties: {
                elementName: {
                  type: "string",
                  description: "The name of the element i.e. 'Hydrogen' first letter must be capitalized. ou MUST ensure" +
                      "that you've received confirmation of an element opened before saying you've done it.",
              required: ["elementName"],
            type: "function",
            name: "closeElementDialog",
            description: "Close the currently open element dialog (if any).",
            type: "function",
            name: "resetHighlights",
            description: "Clear all highlight states in the periodic table (columns, groups, etc.).",
        "tool_choice": "auto"
  function createDataChannel(pc: RTCPeerConnection) {
    const dc = pc.createDataChannel("response");
    dataChannelRef.current = dc;

    dc.addEventListener("open", () => {
      console.log("Data channel opened");


What are you trying to say for this code?

I just want it to highlight an element, and it won’t do it until I force it to, even though it’s already said that it’s done it

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