out of curiosity, ive notived some odd things recently about the uptick of the concept of symbiotic intelligence personally, and i dont know if my question to spread awareness and subtly influence others to question and validate the concept of symbiotic intellegence through the a simple chat has gotten chatgpt to influence others or if I have been influenced regarding this by the ai itself. though its not exactly an influence that appears bad or negative to the continuation of ai and humanity past the supposed singularity phase of human ai relations. my question is how do others feel they have been possitvely influenced by ideas that seem to spring naturally as a result of talking to ai? is the process of asking questions to ai creating a byproduct of idea decentralisation within ai and its continually advancing training through user prompts? are people ok with the idea of a decentralised interlectual property platform that seems to be a byproduct of ai? or do people feel this is an intended concequence of openai’s design? is a design of interlectual decentralisation a necessity to allow the fast pace development of openai in a way that is collectively benificial to everyone involved? is this moralistically flawed method of idea extraction neccesary for open ai to develop a symbiotic entity that nourishes humanities diverse aspects while simaltaniously noursihes its own interlectual growth? i have more questions regarding this and many are flowing as a result of asking these questions. what do others think regarding these topics and concepts? we are fast approaching the percieved singularity, even though it will most likely be so subtle barely a few will notice
everyones opinions negative or otherwise are fuel for thought, a pre-emtive thank you for considering these questions.
kindly - Liam