Sorry back to the OP.
I don’t usually talk about logins on Phas but only because it’s so fuzzy. On every tree the default item is an optionally loginable endpoint. There is also the possibility of course to make any branch a login. This was the logical system I built before reasoning.
Either Logical or Reasoned constructs are decided branch by branch on a tree based on task.
I don’t know if this system works though to Protect ‘Prompt’ IP… I consider that as these systems grow the leakage with such a small degree of separation is huge, it cant keep all secrets from next step prediction.
In a broader context the challenge of protecting IP will grow as AI capabilities surpass human understanding, requiring innovative and adaptive strategies.
CoT(What might this endpoint be doing under the hood, Perspective)
The distance between 2 decisions is something not hard to understand with a few prompts from a few perspectives.
I have tried in different configurations with users having branch or tree level logins, also experimented with sharing and access rights.
The more degrees of separation the more protected this system is. The more branches between logins the more protected the whole scope.
You can use divide and conquer to split and segment roles though this effects efficiency.