I am a school teacher and I have a lot of different threads, one for each student. I love the idea of the projects as I can create a class, and have one thread for each student in the project, or I can create a project for each student and upload their work. The issue I have noticed today is that I use the app on my iPad and also on my Mac Mini M2. There isn’t an option for projects there. As soon as I add a thread to a project on the web, I lose the abiliity to manage that thread on the apps. When will that be changing? I’ve updated my apps to the newest update.
Additionally, it would be awesome to have a multiple projects within a big master project. I.e. I could have a project for each student with their work uploaded that I can reference when talking about the student, but then when I want to have a project that manages the class for the purpose of grouping students into groups, based on what they know and don’t know. I can create lesson plans specific to a certain group of students that changes depending on what I’m teaching them.