Dear OpenAI team, when we choose voice mode to talk to ChatGPT, voice model gets failed to recognize each person’s voice. Ex. When we talk to Chatgpt in the group then Voice model (Male or Female) could not identify each person’s voice. I suggest, please Chatgpt Voice mode should identify or aware like now Mayur is talking to him/her or Bharti is talking to him/her.
That, dear friend, will come, but I think it will still take some time because it’s not easy. It needs to create a voice spectrum of the person speaking, store it in a file, and perform measurements during conversations to distinguish who the speaker is. Sooner or later, it will happen, but for now, I think it’s still complicated. It would be funny because by creating that sound spectrum, it could replicate voices and speak with your voice.
Dear David, thank you so much for quick responding me. Yeah, it would have so much fun and interesting. Frankly speaking once it is available then we can imagine that how we frequently will talk to our beloved voice.
Hi Mayur and welcome to the developer community,
Voice diarization is indeed a complex task, especially in crowded environments. The presence of background noise and overlapping speech makes it harder to isolate individual voices, while changes in speaker characteristics such as pitch, volume, and mood further complicate the process. People naturally vary their vocal tone depending on emotion or context, which can confuse diarization systems and lead to misattributions. Additionally, technical challenges such as creating robust speaker embeddings, segmenting audio accurately, and clustering speaker turns add to the difficulty. Environmental factors like reverberation or poor audio quality further exacerbate the problem, and performing these tasks in real time is computationally demanding.
While advancements in machine learning have improved the accuracy of diarization systems, especially with newer techniques addressing these challenges, achieving perfect diarization remains a significant hurdle.
Maybe you want to solve it?
That cleared lot of doubts. Thanks Dear Friend.