When you open a new chat (or just do it in any existing chat), then write at least one letter and then press the “page up” key the side bar disappears…
Yes! I have been annoyed by this for so long. Anyone want to reproduce this. Just open fresh/new chat and copy some text into the input textfield, something like this:
Quisque ac eleifend turpis. Sed scelerisque fermentum ex ac semper. Cras odio nisi, varius nec elit non, porttitor convallis leo. Nam elit neque, lacinia vel est sit amet, dapibus blandit felis. Suspendisse tempor tincidunt nunc, facilisis venenatis dolor pretium vel. Duis posuere gravida libero id rhoncus. Curabitur tristique dapibus porttitor. Cras molestie rutrum est, eu luctus velit ornare eu. Duis urna eros, pellentesque sit amet leo ac, consectetur vestibulum magna. Fusce vel enim nisl. Quisque nec ex pretium, pulvinar turpis a, laoreet leo. Quisque ullamcorper commodo rutrum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi sit amet magna non est sagittis fermentum quis et quam.
Now simply press “Page up” button on your keyboard and interface breaks! I am so surprised that this annoying UI issue isn’t fixed after 2+ months! Please fix this !