Organize Individual Conversations w/ Topic Tabs for Prompts/Responses/Components within Response

It is currently a little difficult to search for when a topic/subject has been discussed in the past in a given conversation. Might be a big lift but it would help for auto-generated summary index type tabs to be created so that one could scroll through these tabs and get directed to that part of the conversation.

As it stands, prompting chatgpt to “go over again” some topic is currently more convenient than searching/cmd+f’ing the chat or what have you. This causes a conversation to become unwieldy quickly and causes one to either have to create a new conversation for every single sub topic or have chatgpt continuously update some log-type summary of what has been discussed. An auto-generated index of contents or maybe a condensed view with tabs would help.

Is this something that might be planned in the future? If not, would any of you have suggestions on getting started trying to implement such a feature/how that would work?
