Hello all,
Just wanted to pass along some information here. While gpt-4o is much better at coding, it’s not truly better in every area. For anyone whom has seen maybe a litttllleee bit better responses for their use case, this post is for you.
I’ve discovered if you have a formatted summarization. Meaning a bot that is used for summarization of something or the like, you can basically just run a gpt-4o call, and copy and paste that response as a one shot example into 3.5 and change the model to 3.5 and you’ll just start getting responses with similar depth and clarity as gpt-4o
Don’t pay 10x the cost for your business when you can jerryrig a 3.5 model to get the same output as a 4o model.
In other words, don’t always believe the hype. Yes the multi modality is awesome and a huge step forward. But if you are using GPT in a way where you’re sending it data and expecting a formatted response each time, like data summarization (rather than a chat bot), you can indeed get 3.5 to respond similar to gpt-4o
Just passing this on hoping it saves someone 10x the money!