It is hard to parse the output of the model for code tasks if we have the reasonings and all bunch of text.
To reduce to complexity of output parsing, can we use a sentence like below in our prompts so that it does not provide the reasoning.
Do not provide explanation, text or reasoning only return the code.
Model is smart enough to understand the ask and it only returns the code.
But what is the implication of it?
Would this limitation reduce the quality of the generated code?
Would it better if it had the reasoning also returned?
You definitely would not want to use the phrase “reasoning” at all, lest you face a prompt content_policy violation for trying to discuss it.
Rather, for your goals, I would combine “this is an extremely simple task” (where you should be using the reasoning_effort parameter), and then “only produce the code block, with no additional discussion of what has been produced.”
The internal reasoning about a problem, working step-by-step towards a solution that works, is indeed what you are paying for, and limiting that forethought limits the ultimate quality.
Since chat after the code doesn’t improve the code, you cut cut the AI off after a code block is produced. Include “markdown formatting enabled” to start the developer message, “code blocks must include the language, such as ```python”, and then use a stop sequence “\n```\n” that the end of code would trigger.