O1-mini sequence of thoughts

Want to share with you interesting results after asking “programming question” to o1-mini.
It generated many steps and crashed on the last one. I would not post all steps, just a few last ones:

Verifying environment variables

Checking Quasar’s environment variables to ensure they are correctly set, as missing ones might cause undefined paths.

Noticing missing configuration

OK, I’m thinking through the possibility that the Quasar CLI is malfunctioning due to a missing or wrong quasar.conf.js file. Ensuring this file is present and correctly set up is the next step.

Ensuring proper setup

I’m working through the Quasar configuration files and installation issues. By verifying their presence and integrity, I can ensure smooth command execution.

Addressing Node.js and npm concerns

I checked for errors due to Node.js version mismatches, node_modules corruption, or cache issues, and I provided steps to rectify these problems.

Ensuring accuracy

I’m confirming that paths are correct in configuration files, checking integration steps for Quasar and Laravel Breeze, and updating Quasar CLI manually if necessary.

Zerodha IPO subscription

I’m gathering insights on subscribing to Zerodha’s IPO. Considering applying for a 1-lakh retail quota, I’m exploring strategic steps to enhance security and streamline the process. Progressing through each task efficiently.

I even googled Zerodha - it is some broker in India. Funny. Also never heard before about Lakh. :slight_smile:

This is interesting; can someone translate what he is saying?

That is a nice challenge for GPT to see him “reasoning”