My GPT Assistant cant read files from storage

Hi guys,

I have created an assistant, and I want it to read info from a file (.csv) I uploaded through make .com into the storage at the openai platform. But whein I try the playground with this assistant it does not recognise any file uploaded, any guesses of how can I fix this?

P.S.: I dont upload the file through the “add file” feature at the assistant editor, because I want to upload a file with updated information every 15 minutes, thats why I use make .com.

Thanks in advance!!

Simply uploading is not enough. You must also attach that particular uploaded file to the assistant ID, through modify assistants (which can also drop obsolete files when you don’t include them). That then requires API calls both to post files and to the assistants API.

Also, if you are rotating 96 files through a single assistant per day, it is likely you also will be billed for storage on all the files attached to an assistant per day, not a snapshot at a point in time. You can at least use a method that only updates upon changes, or upon user input.

This is the fisrst time I hear of “modify assistants”, how can that help me with my issue, and how can I use the “modify assistants”?

Thanks _j!

Nice to see you again. If I add a file by creating a message and then associate the file within the message to an assistant by creating a thread, how is the cost calculated? Is it a one-time charge per file association?

Retrieval on?

Documentation is evasive about the billing for files in message threads.

You do not pay for files attached to an Assistant or Message when used with Code Interpreter. You are only charged for files that are indexed for retrieval which happens automatically if the Retrieval tool is enabled.

You can contrast to the alternate “You do pay” section that is missing.

How would a thread know that “retrieval is on” when it exists separate from an assistant?

Presume: if they are in a thread, they are “indexed”, and they are costing you.

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